Sunday, February 26, 2012



I thought of something today
I just had to give you a call
Then sadly I realized
There wouldn’t be an answer at all

It made me think of time wasted
And I was filled with regret
Regret of vacations not taken
And memories we hadn’t made yet

Did I ever tell about how your smile
Made you stand out in a crowd
And how every day I’m left hoping
That you are smiling down us now

To know you was to love you
And to love you was a gift
Now I’m left regretful
Of all the chances that I missed

The times I missed out on your calls
Missed out on your laugh
Missed the chance to look into your eyes
Missing now what we had

I don’t think I paid enough attention
And now I’m stuck trying to recall
The greatest sister since creation
The brightest light of us all

If you are watching...know that
I know you no longer feel pain
And for that I am thankful
But one truth still remains

My heart it is still breaking
But my lungs still fill with air
The world it keeps spinning
And it doesn’t seem fair

Please look down often
And remind us to go on
Until one day we are doing it
All on our own

One day in the future
You will look down from the sky
Smile down on us to say
See...I told’re going to be alright

In closing my blue eyed angel
Give God thanks and a smile
For these precious moments with you
Made my life seem worthwhile

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Watching Angels Dance

Watching Angels Dance

Isn’t it funny how?
God always knows
Which color of eyes
The perfect shape of a nose

Would be most fitting
When designing us
At the wave of a hand
With very little fuss

The brilliance of our Creator
Is amazing indeed
How he fills every void
Tends to every need

Making the color of the ocean
And a grain of sand
Equally as important
As the creation of man

He brought us here together
To learn from the start
To love from within
Beginning with our hearts

Every organism has
Its own special duty
Under the site of God
Amazed by His beauty

We grow together as one
As His will would have it be
Reminding us to love each other
I love you love me

And when we begin living
For our earthly desires
He exhibits His anger
And unforeseen things transpire

The heavens open up
And the world below shakes
He sends in storms
And giant earthquakes

He reminds us daily that He loves
Our tender hearts
But let there be no mistake
We must do our part

Our part may seem difficult
Of that there is no doubt
But while we are wasting time
Trying to figure it out

We are failing to do what
He sent us for
To save one another
To open closed doors

We get so busy questioning
The meaning of it all
And get caught up in us
And soon comes a great fall

We forgot the homeless man
Who is living down town
We act like we don’t see him
Since we don’t see God around

We ignore the pleas of children
With no food to eat
Well, I want to help
Maybe next week

We avoid the abused
We ignore the maimed
And we curse God
When we encounter the same

We expect God to be
At our beckoned call
But we ignore Gods wishes
And another tear falls

God cries not for himself
But the ignorance of man
And when things become
So far out of hand

He lifts up His hand
And yells a thunderous STOP
Stating...I care not what you want
I don’t care what you thought

I gave you one job
The most important one
To love one another
And you reach for guns

You no longer listen
To the heart beat of God
And yet tremble in fear
At the sight of my rod

You say you want peace
Yet rarely a day goes by
When you aren’t destroying each other
And now you ask why?

Give the love I gave you
It costs you not a dime
Those hearts that you are breaking
Those souls are mine

Those lives left barren
With bullets piercing their skin
Were your brothers and sisters
At the very least...your friends

They were angels I sent you
To keep you on your path
And look at your destruction
The violent aftermath

And He slowly whispers softly
I hope you get it right
Because there will come one more day
When you come into my sight

And on the Day of Judgment
Let there be no mistake
I will ask of your contribution
And the difference you made

What wrongs did you correct
Since we last spoke
How did you repair
The hearts that you broke

And if you stand in silence
As children often do
I will mention
It was all up to you

So my child take this
Your one final chance
To join me in Heaven
To watch the angels dance

Missed Messages

Missed Messages

“I am for the truth no matter who tells it...I am for justice no matter who it is for” 
                   Malcolm X

  There are times in our lives when we are given a valuable truth...the only question remaining is will you be willing to receive it?
  As children, most of us would willingly accept any information as the divine truth, from our parents. However as life would have it we would begin to learn that often our parents intentions would never be mirrored in our lives again. As we grew older, we learned that some people may not have our best interest at heart. We became suspicious of others. Somehow along the path of our lives we started to correlate what was said with who was saying it...this in itself is a powerful lesson.
  We can often confuse the message and the messenger; the two may not be related. As people with our own concepts or those which have been instilled in it directly or indirectly, we often have fallen into the trap that the most important messages come in the most beautifully wrapped packages. How many times have you encountered a person on the street and because they had a certain look, or lack thereof, you only half listened to the words being spoken? There will be messages that come to us...important vital messages. If we are not receptive to the message because we have a preconceived notion about the messenger...we will lose that blessing.
  This will be why you will see me write about being accepting of others. We have no way to foresee into the future and know all that we should pay attention to now. Often the most important message will come from the most unlikely source.
  When we close off our hearts and minds to specific people or groups of people...we are limiting our ability to receive messages or lessons sent by our Creator. We have missed out on the true concept of our existence when we pigeon hole or get caught up in stereo types. There had to have been a clear cut reason why it is that we all look so different and sound different. We are actually the different perspectives that we were all supposed to have...but they were all supposed to lead us back to the arms of our Father. Instead, we have isolated ourselves behind ideas and images of hate and destruction. Again, we must focus on the significance of what is being communicated and not in the orator.
  Sometimes the message isn’t about our well being, but that of others. We are given insight to situations, it is up to us to either react or do nothing; but in the end we are always going to be held accountable for those decisions. We must make the assumption that every time something is brought to our attention, directly or indirectly, it is meant for us. I mean, if we are walking down the street and we find a bag of money laying there with no one else around...don’t we think that it was God helping us out with some financial problem? Wouldn’t we think that it was the answer to our prayers? With that same mentality, how can we watch children dying from starvation in Africa or children dying due to homelessness on the news...and think that it wasn’t a message intended for us? How will we explain to our Creator, on our day of judgment, why we did nothing? If we only respond to the issues in our world when we have something to gain from it...we are NOT doing the will of God. Our path is not one of self righteousness. We are supposed to seek the greater good for mankind...not ourselves.
  In the hustle and bustle of everyday life we come into contact with many people, both physically and verbally; when you think of how many people you came into contact with today...I must ask one question...How many messages did you miss?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Wings of Angels

The Wings of Angels

In life there are a few things which remain
Through Our Creator we know this is true
That while we may try to demean others
The only loser will always be you

We may convince ourselves of victory
And celebrate the defeat
Of tearing down the hearts of others
Some of whom we have yet to meet

We may say they are less than us
Or maybe that we are more
And we may have lots of fame
Money and friends galore

I suppose it just depends
On how we measure our wealth
I mean is it weighed by our check book
Or by our spiritual health

One day we must realize
Sooner or later we must admit
That true worth is not counting
The diamonds on our wrist

You cannot purchase value
And what’s valuable cannot be bought
Greatness can only be achieved
When the divine truth is sought

And seek it I implore you
Know that in which you sow
Will not produce fruit in His garden
Vanity isn’t supposed to grow

I understand your struggle
I know it can seem you’ve won
But like Icarus and his fake wings
You will never rise up to the sun

It’s’ve been done a disservice
We told you that fame is great
But the price of fame will only
Keep you outside of the Holy Gates

When we look down upon others
As if we created anything at all
Just like the mighty giants
We have so much further to fall

Find a way to love your brothers
And give that which is not yours
And be not amazed when God
Opens closed windows and doors

In closing I will add this
A truth I hope you never deny
Anytime you try to clip the wings of angels
It is you who will fail to fly

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lifting My Hands

Lifting My Hands

My Father who lives in Heaven
As I bend my knees to declare my love
My heart feels so heavy
This will be this which I speak of

When I was a girl I used to dream
Of flying a rocket to the moon
Not about million dollar contracts
Or growing up too soon

I only thought about laughter
And having fun with friends
Not about drinking or drugs
Or fights that no one wins

I never debated religion
Or what our Creator should be called
Only that He was our source of love
The Father of us all

I could never find in any book
The intention of my heart
So I just loved peacefully
Never tearing others apart

I’m not sure when I first noticed
The condition of our world
Somewhere between adulthood
And that naïve little girl

Life began to be look grim
A sad and lonely place
With images so horrifying
They would never be erased

But once I saw a child killed
On a public street
And it wasn’t a movie
But the news on my TV

All of a sudden bloodshed
And violence was all around
And I so missed the days when
Our feet were planted on the ground

If I could have one wish
And have it immediately come true
It would be to have a clean slate
And to make everything brand new

There would be no separation
Or racial barrier lines
Or wars putting brother against brother
And no more picket lines

When our brother talked
We at least considered his stance
And we would give him an opportunity
At least give him a chance

We would be more kind and concerned
When our fellow man was attacked
No more talk about superiority
Or what another person lacked

There would be peace and prosperity
All across our great land
We would walk joyously together
Always reaching for each others hand

There would never come a moment
When any man could decide
That it was acceptable
It batter and abuse his wife

We wouldn’t hear about the terror
That children now do know
We would just plant our seeds of love
And watch them start to grow

Our forests would again flourish
Natural skyscrapers growing still
Animals could roam freely
As it was always your will

Our self destructive nature
Would come to a screeching end
And instead of making enemies
We created great new friends

Some may think this is foolish
That I dream too much
But I say it is never wrong
To expect better things and such

So every day when I close my eyes
Raising my thoughts for mankind to the sky
My wishes are never laughed at
My creator never wonders why

And while my thoughts my seem fruitless
To the ill will of my fellow man
I know my thoughts do please you
And that you understand

While our world is under attack
By its inhabitants each day
I ask for your guidance
And your help along the way

I pray one day what we say
And all the things we do
Will only show our gratitude
And how much that we love you

I lift my hands to Heaven
Knowing until then
You will be watching over us lovingly

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hate Ends Here

Hate Ends Here


February is Black History Month; and while I do intend on writing some pieces on the fabulous people of color in our great world, today I am choosing to write on something which I consider to be an epidemic...Indifference.

Now many will say, and recently I have read the disgruntled statements made about specific groups having holidays, websites, awards shows, television channels etc. And while these statements were made to create hate and chaos amongst the masses...I found it to be a perfect platform for what I know to be true about the world that we live in and the capability of mankind.

As human beings we waste so much precious time. We waste time separating ourselves from other human beings. Perhaps we do it because we have some need to want to feel more important; as children we all know how much better we feel if people are making a fuss over us. And it is only unfortunate that over the years we have come to realize that often when we are degrading or demoralizing another is meant only to make us look shiny and new. Here in lies the problem, we aren’t shiny and new.

When we are attacking and trying to lessen the significance of another person or being...we are only fueling an old fire. Racial bias, prejudice, misanthropy, religious persecutions...are real problems that we have been facing for centuries. Isn’t it sad to know that for hundreds of years we have been stuck in the same place? We have been fighting a tug of war against ourselves and wondering why we aren’t advancing. When we set aside the hearts and souls of those around us...we become indifferent to the plight of mankind.

When we have to set a side a specific month to bring the focus on a particular group of is only due to the fact that they have been overlooked in the world, at large. We should never have to search for how much a certain race or culture has added to our long as we include those beings in our daily acknowledgements of who brought us to where we are today. For example if all cultures of this country were equally represented in our public school curriculum then we may feel more balanced, over all.

But the painful truth is...we do segregate ourselves from those not exactly like us. We will find reasons to diminish the contributions that people of other races...religions...sexes or cultures have brought to our daily lives. We have gotten so frigid and cold that we don’t realize that we are doing it; until someone from a minority group points it out. Then we will use our only defense and say...he/she is an angry man/woman. That is when the gloves come on and it becomes a slapping contest. We will all try and diminish the accomplishments of one another in an attempt to make us feel better about ourselves.

We are ALL human beings...of one race. And given the way our paths are going we are not far from extinction. We have become destructive to each other and to ourselves. We find reasons to declare war on each if we are the voice of truth and reason.

Our Creator has high expectations of us all. I know, at times, it can seem difficult to fulfill such a tall order and we can become overwhelmed. But we need not feel that it is out of the realm of what we are capable of. We are supposed to be able to love and lean on one another. And if it feels strange and unusual to love so is only because we may be out of practice and quite possibly we are in worse shape than I am even relaying to you now.

Let us show our children the way to God. They are depending on us to lead by they can do the same for their children. Lift up one another. When we do that instead of tearing down one another, you can feel the change in the air. We start transferring good loving thoughts and energy to those around us. Let the cycle of life be a productive and prosperous one. Plant a seed of hope for someone who has feels’s like giving a road map of life to a person who has been driving around in circles.

Search deep within you for the compliment that you are hoping someone will say to you...and give it to someone else. Transfer sunshine through your smile; show the world that starting with you...the hate ends here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012



Blinking past tears
Getting harder to hide
Something is missing
I no longer can deny

I understand the selfishness
That breaks my heart so
But I’m left with a pain
My life has never known

Yes, I know you were a part
Of God’s much larger plan
But your absence in my days
Is almost more than I can stand

I’ll have moments of peace
Followed by sudden dismay
Praying to God
Please don’t let me hear her name

The silence can be deadly
Like a terminal disease
I keep moving forward
But it’s hard to find relief

You were a blessing in my life
And all others you did touch
I know you have eternal peace
But I still miss you so much

Your life was a constant reminder
To make the most of today
Because as surely as God giveth
He most readily can take away

Not take away, as if to punish
Or payment for our sins
But to replenish His kingdom
With the angel you were within

How wonderful is our Father
Who truly understands
The impact of those eyes
The strength found in your hands

The sweet beauty of your laugh
That ever so bears...on my heart
Yet and still it is these things
Which make it difficult being apart

And yes of course I know
That you are with me always still
It is only your voice I’m missing
Which I know is God’s will

So tonight like nights before
I will fall down to pray
Always letting God know
I submit to His way

And whatever His plan
For my path and for me
Will be all that I want
As I fall to my knees

So while I will always miss you
And your beautiful way
I give thanks for the chance
To say I love

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Limit is the Sky

Our Limit is the Sky

Shouts made in anger
Threats creating fear
Made to be so much worse
When said by someone dear

His words tend to cut
Into the very heart of you
Were there good times...yes
But in comparison...very few

He needs to make you feel
Less than the woman that you are
But not what God wanted for you
As he peers down from the stars

You may want to give up
Just throw up your hands
But I’m telling you not to
Find strength...make a stand

His words while hurtful
Are still not true
He has yet to know
The real woman...which is you

The sad people who hurt us
Trying to cause us pain
Only bring out our inner warrior
Where only light remains

We cannot be defeated
By their negative tone
Because one fact remains true
You are not alone

Any effort which he has made
To break your tender heart
Is only made fruitless by
He who created us from the start

No matter what effects man
Chooses to impose
God knows the path which
Turns a seed into a rose

He knows what is best
For His children one and all
He gives us courage to walk
When we think we can only crawl

Stand up my dear sister
Hold your head high
For our Father walks with you
And while its okay to cry

Know that when your tears
Have dried in the light of His love
You will soar like God’s angels
On the wings of a snowy dove

You have strength and power
Not yet even tapped
It matters not where you have been
Only where you are at

And you are at the feet of God
He will help you rise
For when we submit to His will
Our limit is the sky


Words can feel like moon beams
On a cloudy day
Or they can destroy the hopes of man
Depending on what we say

They can lift our hearts
Like balloons flying high
Or they can bury our dreams
While all we can do is cry

Words can start wars
Over a simple boundary line
Our give us peace and love
From our Creator so divine

They can tear at our souls
Like a rabid animal at war
Or they can remind us about
The reason we were created for

Words can make the difference
In whether we win or lose
They can be used for good or bad
On that we get to choose

Words can build mountains
Or they can tear them down
They can even make us glad
That we chose to stick around

Words give us communication
And a way to wash away angst
We can use them to emit love
We use them to give thanks

As long as we remember
The words we select to say
Can destroy someone’s hopes
Or brighten up their day

We should use our words as
Stepping stones for greater things
To remind those around us
Of the hope a word can bring

It isn’t just four lettered words
Which diminishes our light
But words like hatred...indifference
Which make our world less bright

So sing the praises of our ancestors
And other wise light seeking beings
To help us to stay focused
On the beauty of all living things

Sing about love and passion
Of the world above and right here
So when our children hear the melody
They will know God is near

He Gave Her His Ring

He Gave Her His Ring

Love unrequited
Love so brand new
They knew it instantly
When they came into view

Like a missing piece to a puzzle
And the magic it brings
God joined them together
When he gave her his ring

Two souls that needed
Only one heart
Where her sentence left off
His began to start

After sixty five years
Of wedded bliss
Only having an “US”
Not hers...not his

Walking through life together
Happily as one
But before it was over
Said and done

As she slowly walked
Up Heavens golden stairs
He whispers softly
I will meet you there

And eighty eight minutes
After his love passed that day
Her loyal soul mate
Faded away

This bittersweet moment
Life’s true tale
That love conquers all
Without fail

Their life was made full
By our Blessed King
It goes to show
What true love means

They said he died
From a broken heart
But I think it was a beginning
A divine new start

So rest in peace
And with the angels sing
This love story that started
When he gave her his ring

***This was inspired completely by the story of Marjorie and James Landis a couple who were married for 65 years...who died 88 minutes apart. May God Bless Them

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just A Letter to Me

A Letter To Me

Just a letter to me
To remind me today
To give thanks for the blessings
God has brought my way

Thank you for the first breath
I took this morn
And have ever been thankful
Since the day I was born

Thank you for the sunrise
Or thanks for the chill
Whatever the weather
I submit to your will

Thank you for the love
You have supplied in my days
I cannot tell you how it’s helped
In so many ways

I may be undeserving
Of all you bestow
But I would be remiss
In not telling you so

Thank you for your forgiveness
And your loving way
This is shown in your beauty
Every single day

In a simple rose
Whose scent is so sweet
In a strangers smile
I met on the street

In the young man
Holding open the door
In the sound of a Lark
And so much more

Thank you for giving me
A new chance everyday
To begin life again
In a unique way

And forgive us Father
If we fall short along the way
I ask this of you
Falling to my knees to pray

Remind me again to smile
And shine your divine light
So I can deliver your love
On lives which seem less bright

Give me the strength to go on
And rise up to your call
And bring peace and joy
To your children one and all

Keep showing us always
The path for our souls
As the treasures of your Kingdom
Begin to unfold

And one day soon it will
Begin to become clear
Of the purpose of life
As you bring us near

Whatever the lesson
Whatever the task
Your guidance and love
Is all I shall ask

From the start of my day
Till the end of the night
I am thankful for the wisdom
And keen insight

In closing my letter to myself
A note I need to heed
Love and forgiveness is yours
We just need to believe