Lifting My Hands
My Father who lives in Heaven
As I bend my knees to declare my love
My heart feels so heavy
This will be this which I speak of
When I was a girl I used to dream
Of flying a rocket to the moon
Not about million dollar contracts
Or growing up too soon
I only thought about laughter
And having fun with friends
Not about drinking or drugs
Or fights that no one wins
I never debated religion
Or what our Creator should be called
Only that He was our source of love
The Father of us all
I could never find in any book
The intention of my heart
So I just loved peacefully
Never tearing others apart
I’m not sure when I first noticed
The condition of our world
Somewhere between adulthood
And that naïve little girl
Life began to be look grim
A sad and lonely place
With images so horrifying
They would never be erased
But once I saw a child killed
On a public street
And it wasn’t a movie
But the news on my TV
All of a sudden bloodshed
And violence was all around
And I so missed the days when
Our feet were planted on the ground
If I could have one wish
And have it immediately come true
It would be to have a clean slate
And to make everything brand new
There would be no separation
Or racial barrier lines
Or wars putting brother against brother
And no more picket lines
When our brother talked
We at least considered his stance
And we would give him an opportunity
At least give him a chance
We would be more kind and concerned
When our fellow man was attacked
No more talk about superiority
Or what another person lacked
There would be peace and prosperity
All across our great land
We would walk joyously together
Always reaching for each others hand
There would never come a moment
When any man could decide
That it was acceptable
It batter and abuse his wife
We wouldn’t hear about the terror
That children now do know
We would just plant our seeds of love
And watch them start to grow
Our forests would again flourish
Natural skyscrapers growing still
Animals could roam freely
As it was always your will
Our self destructive nature
Would come to a screeching end
And instead of making enemies
We created great new friends
Some may think this is foolish
That I dream too much
But I say it is never wrong
To expect better things and such
So every day when I close my eyes
Raising my thoughts for mankind to the sky
My wishes are never laughed at
My creator never wonders why
And while my thoughts my seem fruitless
To the ill will of my fellow man
I know my thoughts do please you
And that you understand
While our world is under attack
By its inhabitants each day
I ask for your guidance
And your help along the way
I pray one day what we say
And all the things we do
Will only show our gratitude
And how much that we love you
I lift my hands to Heaven
Knowing until then
You will be watching over us lovingly