Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stop the Violence

Stop the Violence
  Today is Stop the Violence Day. Even in writing that it seems ridiculous to have to say. As children we are taught, from an early age, to be kind to one another. We have religious books that will tell us to be kind to our neighbors, and to want for our brothers and sisters what we want for ourselves. And since I doubt that anyone wants death and destruction brought upon themselves or those that they love...I doubt we are thinking of it in that way.
  Violence has become a way of life for most of our world. And to support the violent action we are often making excuses for it to continue...both on the domestic and global fronts. We will often hear an abusive person making excuses for his/her behavior stating that they were led to that dark place...often by the victim. When we hear such an outlandish statement, we often shake our heads. And we react in this way because it is juvenile for us to believe that another person could lead us into such violence. After all, we are individuals. We have our own minds and thought patterns. We certainly can not be led astray by another individual...can we? We couldn’t become so angry that we would want to strike someone that could be considered weaker than us, could we? We couldn’t actually hope for people to believe that a child could do something so awful that they would need to be battered or bruised...but do we?
  Tempers flare, but we are responsible for those actions. And if we can not control the actions of our bodies or mouths...we should reach out for help. I learned some startling statistics that I wanted to share with you, so that we could see this problem in black and white.
1.   In South Africa 1300 women are raped everyday
2.  In the United States, 683,000 forcible rapes occur every year
3.  Child abuse is reported every 10 seconds
4.  Every 9 seconds a woman is beaten
5.  5-6 children will die from complications of abuse every day
6.  Most Rapists commit 10 rapes before they are caught
7.  4 million women a year are seriously abused every year
8.  1 in 5 high school girls are sexually or physically abused by a partner

  These statistics, while startling are completely factual. There is nothing worse than being abused. This violence has to stop. We are literally killing each other...every single day.
  No one...has the right to put their hands on another living soul. We do not have eminent domain over another person. People are not property. We can not be held or contained and if we is a violation of our civil rights. It is criminal to make anyone do anything against their will...whether spoken or implied.
  I pray that we use this day as an example of how we are supposed to live. We need to learn to live in harmony, with ourselves and others.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hidden Heredity

Hidden Heredity
  November is Native American History month. I am always prompted to write about my heritage during this month specifically because I don’t think that enough is widely known about this beautiful group of people, which are my family.
  My teenage daughter has never, been taught anything about Native American History in her school system; in fact the only information she has...comes from our conversations. I, of course, do not mind telling her about my I find it to be the most significant thing about me. This week, however I posed a question to myself and did some research to try and understand why we don’t hear anyone speak in a Native American tongue. I wanted to understand what happened when Native children were placed on reservations. The information I found was startling and disturbing.
  It all started with something called “Kill the Indian and save the man”. The title alone left me in chills. How does one separate the two? What I learned brought me to tears. Native American children were placed in boarding schools, under the guise of giving them the benefit of an “American” education. Their culturally significant hair was cut, so the children wouldn’t stand out. The children were also told that if they spoke in their native language or spoke of their culture, they would be punished. And, dear readers, they were severely punished. The children that attended the boarding schools were as young as 6 years of age. The children who had difficulty remembering to not speak in their indigenous language were beaten and made to eat soap. I even read about an incident where a young boy died from choking on the soap. As a result of this conditioning the children and later adults became afraid to speak or participate in their own culture. The way they dressed was changed, as it was part of the Americanization process which was started by George Washington.
  These indigenous people were forbidden from participating in their traditional dances and feasts, polygamy, funeral practices and the “medicine men” were prohibited in the ways of their culture. The people of the United States also felt that it was the responsibility to convert the indigenous culture to Christianity and suppress the native religions and practices that had been a part of their culture. This practice was referred to as “making apples”; where the man would be red on the outside, yet cultured to be white on the inside. In fact, if a Native American was found guilty of practicing “heathen rituals” it was punishable by serving up to 30 years in prison, until the law changed in 1978.
  I found these facts to be very unsettling. I was upset by this because these practices are just another way for man to try and control another group of [people...using fear.
  Please understand that we were not placed on this earth to manipulate or control anyone else. It is our nature to be loving...we were created to do so. It is never okay to degrade or tear another person or group of people down. One culture, religion or race is not better than the other. We are one group of beings...always created to be ONE with our Creator. It does not matter by what name we refer to Him. We are supposed to find peace and give it others. We are supposed to love ALL people, not just those who we understand or those who have an understanding of us. It is our job to promote the love of God, who is the Creator of all things. We have no right to restrict, ban, isolate, or segregate people from their way of life. It is not fair nor is it GODLY of us to say that a group of people must adhere to our culture...or else.
  I am of Indigenous descent...I am proud of my culture. Unfortunately, this blog is necessary. It is necessary because if we do not change our way of thinking...we will continue to hold back entire groups of people. We are brothers and sisters under God’s Heaven...we should start behaving as such.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

That Which is Us

That Which is Us

Through your eyes I see me
Filled with your unwavering love
Through my heart I see you...
And a world I only dreamed of
I reach out my hand to you
As lovers often will
Always finding your hand there
Waiting for me still
And when there came a time
That I caused the scales of us to tilt
You wrapped me in His love
And our eternal pyramid was built
Thank you ...forever
For knowing who I was from the start
And showing me my path
By trusting me with your fragile heart

Monday, November 21, 2011

To Thine Own Self Be True

To Thy Own Self Be True
      I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being. ~Hafiz
  I pray that today can be the beginning of a new tradition...a tradition of love and peace. Don’t worry we will not need to travel to a foreign land, or learn a new language. Today we will start the change within ourselves.
  I want to spend some time reminding you about how precious and necessary you are in this life. Often we may feel that our place in this world is so minute that it is insignificant. We may feel like if we can not have things the way that we think they should be that we have no reason to go on. I promise you the only reason that you feel this way is because you are not seeing life clearly, right now.
  We are often tested...pushed to our limits. While this may seem unfair or is the same principle behind letting go of our child when they are learning to ride a bicycle. We are pushing them beyond their conceivable limits. We are teaching them that if they believe in themselves that they can overcome adversity. Can you remember the first time that you rode a bicycle without your mom or dad holding on to you? I know that I felt like I was soaring with eagles...and in my mind I probably was.
  The thing to remember is that our limits or adversity do not own us. We are tested to show us that we can move past a certain level. Often the pain that we feel is placed there so that we will move on...not give up. Giving up means that we were defeated...but it doesn’t have to end this way.
  I understand what it is like to have to deal with real problems head on...I have struggled with my limits also. I always kept in my mind, however the issue that I was facing...was also facing me. I did not have to overcome had to overcome me.
  I am not suggesting that the struggle is an easy one...or it wouldn’t be much of a struggle. However we can rein supreme...I just had to keep telling myself that I alone am enough. I can face my demons...I can walk out of the darkness; I only need to decide to do it. I also am not saying that it is something that needs to be done alone. Reach out to the positive people in your life. Talk to people who are interested in uplifting your spirit and soul. Seek support for your particular demon, it is out there. No matter what issue you are up against, I promise you that some one else has also gone through it.
  You are loved. It can be difficult to see that when it feels like the scales of life seem unbalanced. However the fact that you are here...breathing in and out every day...means that your path is still unfinished. God created you out of love and is up to you to find your way back to that place.
  I want to help you understand that you never have to struggle alone. The world doesn’t have to be a lonely place. You are a child of God and because of that fact...I love you unconditionally. Your life is very important.
  Treat your body and mind with the respect that you would a temple, church or masjid. You are a temple of hold all His love and peace within you. Love your body; fortify it with the wholesome goodness that you would a sacred shrine. Give your inner self the same love and care that you would your outer covering.
  Fortify your mind with educational, spiritual and emotional love. And spread all of your love to those that you touch every day. You are a vital presence in every one’s life that you come into contact with...from the cashier at the grocery store to your family. We touch just existing. Often we may feel that we do not matter to anyone...but have you ever felt the love of a complete stranger? Love can be transferred through a smile or handshake; we can spread God’s love with a kind gesture or comment. This is the true purpose of our keep the free flowing love of God all around us.
  My message to you is simple...don’t allow adversity to be the most important thing in your life. The most important thing in your life is to spread the message of our all things. Just as I am giving you this message from God...I beg you to give it to others. We are not alone...we never have been...and we never will be. Love yourself...inside out; be true to yourself...and spread His truth in all you say and do.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

For the Love of a Child

For the Love of A Child

  Today is Universal Children’s Day. It is the official day when we are prompted to celebrate the children in our lives. We are to remind the children around us that they are far more important than they could conceivably imagine.
  How does one celebrate this auspicious occasion? We simply take time, and give those little hearts and minds that we love so much. I know we can get busy...there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. But just like we re-arrange our lives for an impromptu conference or business meeting...we simply just need to pencil our children in. We need to take this day off. We need to center our day on the people that bring us joy, simply by smiling. We celebrate the fact that these little miracles...create GREAT joy.
  It isn’t necessary that we spend a month’s salary on this day either...because all they really want is our time. One afternoon walk with a child could right a lifetime of wrongs. Holding your son or daughter’s hand can be the most loving thing, and it only costs us our time. Touch can be the universal language...because children understand that feeling. Words can get lost in translation...we can say something and forget we said it. But touching someone’s hand or rubbing their soft cheek matter to me.
  Create a family dinner together...allow your child to add ingredients in a bowl, or set a table. Make a menu that is kid friendly...incorporate your child’s ideas when planning your meal or dessert.
  Turn off your television, don’t go online...and silence your cell phone. Place any distractions out of your sight, all that matters today is being thankful and celebrating your child or the children in your lives.
  Listen to soft music, while finger painting or drawing with your child. Tell him or her about the things that you used to do as a child. Contrast the difference between life now and life then.
  Dig up old family photographs from when you were their about the different styles of clothes and hair. Create a family tree with pictures or memorabilia. Get a world map and talk about the places that you have been...and where your child might like to go. Create a “what if” vacation... see where your child’s imagination will take him or her. Write a story where he or she is the prince or princess. Make up a song telling about your day. Read a book that you read as a child. Tell them about the very first day that you laid eyes on them. Go to a museum, or art exhibit; simply enjoy the fact that are blessed. You get to spend time with this sweet get to give thanks to appreciating this gift of love.
  Why do we celebrate Universal Children’s Day? We celebrate this day because life can move very quickly. Often, we struggle to keep up with the fast pace of our lifestyles. Unfortunately, there are times when we fail to remind ourselves that the people that we love...are more important than any other person or situation in our lives. This is the world’s chance to embrace the love of a child. Children love freely, without reservation. Children never worry about loving too much or being loved too little. They are the semblance of innocence and purity...they are symbolic of all things great and small; true proof that big things come in little packages.
  I have never found anything as moving as the love of a child. There is little more peaceful than watching an infant napping. These small bundles of joy truly are angels on earth. They warm the coldest of hearts. I feel certain that was their purpose all along. Somehow the voice of a child can tame the savage beast. Most of the time our children are in awe of us, even when we feel that we aren’t exactly who we wish we were; children think we are great just because they love us. And because they love us...we are great. On this day we can enjoy the fact that we are viewed with rose colored glasses.
So on this day...join me in celebrating the lives of these tender warriors. Let us use these wonderful people as an excuse to love each other a little more.  And I pray that we will all make the world a safer more loving world; for who is more deserving of peace and joy than the world’s children.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I Protest

I protest

  I think, growing up, I just believed that everyone lived as I my own remote part of the world. I thought good would always prevail and that we would all love each other. I was raised to believe that we were all supposed to watch out for one another. When I moved out of my comfort zone, however, I learned that the “real world” was full of all of the things that I never fully understood. There were abundant injustices going on all around us. I found so many fingers being pointed in blame that very few people were coming up with viable solutions. I looked in desperation to find my path in all of this. It took me a minute to catch my bearings, but once I did...I began to protest EVERYTHING! No, I didn’t picket or camp out overnight. While those options raise awareness, they do not necessarily bring about change. I began speaking up and writing about the world and its social issues. I spoke up even when no one else seemed to be. I always understood that not everyone would see my point of view...but it did not deter my course. The only pointing that I ever wanted to do was the pointing out of injustices and wrongs that were occurring and re-occurring on a daily basis. It is not about the evil of man but the evil of his actions; since I have always been of the belief that man is inherently good.
  As I looked around me I saw a world filled with anger and void of humanity...or at least our actions gave that impression. I rarely saw people behaving in loving ways just for the sake of being loving; rather I saw people verbally and physically attacking one another just for the sake of the kill.
  The world is filled with people and while we live so far away from one another...we are amazingly similar. We may have cultural differences...but our human nature is very much the same. I found that for most of us, we can see other people’s situations clearly while still viewing ourselves through a thick London fog.
  For instance, we may chastise a parent for speaking harshly to a child while we are waiting in line at Wal-mart; yet we go home and do the same to our own children, within the confinements of our houses. What makes this any different? Is it okay to speak to your child or anyone else for that matter, anyway we choose as long as no one else sees or hears it? Is this a matter of us being too harsh about some one else’s behavior...or us not being harsh enough about our own? Is the shame in this, how people are reacting to us...or is it the fact that it occurred to begin with?
  All of this brings me to the purpose of my writing today...the writing topic of whether or not I have ever protested anything. I think that we all could find a cause or reason to speak out against one thing or another. We only need open our eyes and hearts to see a world full of people reaching out...reaching for understanding...compassion...and concern.
  Growing up I couldn’t imagine that I would ever be one of those people speaking out against anything...however growing up...I was unaware of the true evils of the world. I knew nothing about how people would use any reason to pray upon unsuspecting victims. People will verbally annihilate a person without giving them a second thought. For some reason...we began to view people as objects...numbers...or statistics. We failed to remember that we are talking about our fellow man...our brothers and sisters under God. I have watched people use other’s hardships and difficulties as ammunition. In this war of tongues, the true victor is easy to spot...because they aren’t crying. But at what price was this win? I have witnessed the laughter of evil at the expense of another individual. What would cause another person to rip at another person’s self-esteem like this? Pain... Pain causes us to strike out at people that we love and we will even strike at those which we do not even know. Tearing other people down, can temporarily makes others feel invincible...but it is just a bandage on an open wound. So the cycle continues...and it breeds anger and hate. It spreads faster than you can imagine...until suddenly, before you realize it, you are in the middle of it.
  I protest verbally about many things...and yes there are so many causes that there probably wouldn’t be enough time in my life time to do justice to most. So my protests are on the roots of the problem...otherwise we are tossing a blanket on what is wrong. I had to try and see what element was missing. What was the common denominator that linked all of these atrocities together? One day, the missing link became painfully obvious.
  I want you to try and bear with me on this though, because you might want to roll your eyes and shake your head when I tell you my solution. The determining factor behind every problem that we are faced with is that we do not love. We do not love ourselves and we do not love others. And ironically we will fall to our knees and pray to God for the things that we may think we want or need...yet question it when we do not receive them.
  I can explain my solution, because if it is left at that...the message may seem too basic. You are partly right though, love is basic. Love is the basis of everything we touch, see, and feel. Love is the basis of who we are.
  Love mends bridges; it does not blow them up. Love repairs relationships; with others and with Our Creator. Self love is important because it does not speak to our appeals to our hearts. Loving ourselves does not mean that we think that we are better than anything else...that is vanity and many people confuse the two. Love of self, includes how we take care of our bodies...which are temples...temples of God. Love of self is the way in which we verbally touch others...through kind and responsible speech. Love of self includes humility, respect, kindness, and gratitude which are exhibited in the way we act and react with others.
  Love is not divine judgment. And when I say that I mean, it is never our place to judge what we think, believe or expect what God Himself will judge. We are not in a position to say what God will or will not forgive. Keep in mind that while we might feel certain that a person’s sins or transgressions are something that God will judge your moment of judgment...God is also judging you.
  We must always remember who we are...and our purpose. If we love one another...we are doing the work of our Creator. Loving people is what we were sent here to do. Yes, I know that it is not always easy...but then again if it was easy...we wouldn’t have so many books reminding us to do it. If we think back to childhood...we might remember that the most important lessons were not easy but painful. How many times did you have to be told to not touch the stove before you learned the lesson? Or did you learn a more powerful lesson the day that you touched it while it was hot? The burn was a painful memory, but it was far more effective than we may have realized.
  The painful lesson that we are being taught now is clear...when we do not love one another...chaos prevails. We find that we are in wars, our brothers and sisters struggle with famine and genocide, our Earth’s animals are being killed off, our oceans, rivers, lakes and streams are being polluted. We find justifications for treating people badly; blaming race, religion or various other diversifications. In fact, if we trace back every single horrendous deed done in history...we can see how love and understanding could have made it better.
  You may not know what my personal struggle is like...but you could try and understand. The important thing to remember is that understanding my plight...does not lessen yours. You and your life is just as important as mine is. You do not matter more or less depending on where you live or where you are from.
  I can love you a million miles away...and I can prove it by NOT condemning you. I can love you merely because you exist. I can love you for our similarities, as well as, our differences.
  I can love you...because with love...and God...All things are possible.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Greatest Love

Greatest Love

  I found the greatest loves of my life when I learned how to love people inside out. I learned that the outer shell was only a peek at the person within. Of course, we must be attracted to something, before seeking the inner it a smile, laugh...or just a sense of humor. However in some rare cases, the inner being will shine through the eyes of those that we may have over looked.
  Whatever brought us to this place seems irrelevant...for now all that matters is that we are here...together. Our inner light is that part of us that connects to others on a higher plain. It is our soul or spirit...our core. I have always been of the belief that our center...or core is the very thing that we started with. Our core comes from God; it is the very loving nature He instilled in us. It is the part of us that allows us to connect to others...similar to how magnets attract one another or how light will attract a moth. It is what brings us together...and sometimes, sadly, tears us apart. The core of us is what hurts when we see another human being in pain. It is the part of us that is moved to protect our environment. Our core is what causes 9000 people to search for an 8 year old autistic boy in Virginia...someone that most did not even know. Our center is the part of us that prompts an illegal immigrant to put his life on the line to save a little girl that he didn’t even know...placing his own citizenship at risk. It is the thing within us that has us get our bone marrow checked to see if we can save the life of one person...which can be a painful process. It is doing the right thing...without a second thought. This is our origin...what every other part of us is based on. This is our purpose under Heaven. And as long as we are listening to our center...our core...our spirit and soul...we are doing Gods work.
  So what happens when we are doing everything else? What happens when we watch someone who is broken down on the side of the road and we just drive past? What happens when we hear someone yell for help and we act like we don’t hear them? What are we thinking when we tell socially acceptable lies...and still teach our children the importance of telling the truth? Why do we make excuses for behavior that we know in our hearts to be wrong? What message are we sending when we punish a murderer by becoming murderers? Where are our hearts when we are telling our law enforcement officers to stop worrying about crimes and just look for people who have a “criminal look”?
  These may seem like extreme cases, but are they really? Or do we just say that to take attention away from the real issue? How do we have balance when the scales of our lives are so obviously tilted? Native Americans believe that within us we have two wolf is positive...loving...caring and compassionate. The other wolf is negativity...adversity...violence...anger and rage. In some Native American culture it is said that the wolf that we feed or cater to the most becomes the winner of our internal struggle.
  This is really the old story of good versus evil. The one that we allow to grow...becomes the victor. But the truth is this...God created all things, ideas and situations. Why would God, who loves us, create something that could eventually lead to our downfall? Some believe that the reasoning is this: He allows us to decide what we want for ourselves. He allows us to make our own noose and decide if we are going to hang ourselves or others. He allows us to make friends or enemies. We are allowed to show compassion or contempt. Why are we allowed to even know of a choice which could cause us or others pain or anguish? Because, we know what the right thing to do is in our core. We have been equipped with the only thing we ever really needed to get We have always been equipped with the love of our Creator...which arms us with the knowledge that we are supposed to love others also.
  Why is doing the wrong thing so easy for most? Doing what is wrong is easy because it is acceptable and most of the time it is expected. We expect people to cheat, steal and lie to us. We expect people to disrespect us or those around we continually watch for it. We look for deception because we really believe that all people will be tempted to deceive. We expect our fellow man...that was created with the same divine love that we do us some huge disservice. Unfortunately, a lot of the time...we aren’t disappointed.
  Of course, we choose to live this way. We choose to allow people to do the opposite of what we know is right; then we they do this evil...we just nod and smile, as if it is okay. We become complacent. We choose to sit the fence, instead of standing up for anything. And in our complacency...we have failed God. We have said so saying nothing. When our hearts are crying, yet our mouths fall silent and our heads hang in shame...we have betrayed ourselves and Our God.
  The important lesson in all of this is that any injustices that we fall upon silent ears about...are injustices that very well may come back around to destroy us, as well. Never say that any given situation could never happen to you or anyone you know. By now we should all understand that just because we think we have stuffed a wrong in a closet doesn’t mean that is goes unnoticed. God brings everything to light.
  It is our job to defend those who are matter who the oppressor may be. It is our job to shine light on those who pray on the defenseless. As people we do our best to stand up for children...and since we were all created from God and are His children...why do we not defend our fellow man? Why do we not stomp our feet and scream to the top of our lungs every time someone is treated with malice?
  War does not create destroys us all. Do the soldiers of war ever come home feeling happy; and if not, why? War only creates the need for larger cemeteries...larger orphanages...and more wars. And by the way, wars are not only fought with guns. Wars happen at the work place, in our schools and in our neighborhoods. A sharp tongue is worse than an assault weapon. Guns are fired and they kill...where as words can continue to injure and re-injure us. And like in a war...once we have been fired upon...we will retaliate...and it won’t matter if it is justifiable or not.
  Peace starts within us...and once we have it we can share it with the world. We only need to nurture the love that we were created with...and then we give it out to everyone we come into contact with. We smile, greet and acknowledge our fellow man and woman...and with those simple blooms. Love is never out of season and you can never have or give too much love. It will feel strange at first...but that is just because we are out of practice. Give love...receive love...Be love.



 Time…something we spend our whole entire lives talking about, wasting, spending, and running from…until essentially we have run out of it.
 We spend so many moments worrying about things that will never amount to anything. We worry about our physical appearance, our popularity, who has more (or less) than we do, we concern ourselves with who was right (or wrong) to justify why we should ignore ( or avoid) people…that we truly love and care about and in the mean time…the sands in the hour glass of our lives empties out.
 When our time on this Earth is through…what happens? Do we just fade off into nothingness? Do we levitate into the higher plane within our faith? Will we feel heat and scorching fire until we are turned to ash and the whole process starts over and over again? How did we spend our time here? Were we doing what our Creator had intended for us? Or did we waste time on trivial emotions, that road blocked us from our true higher purpose?
 Did anger, frustration, anxiety, and pride keep us from spending our time more wisely? We, after all, we cannot know how much time we have to live, in this life, as we know it. And yet, daily, we waste time and energy…by not spreading love and peace to everyone we come into contact with. Are we not thankful, when we are allowed to open our eyes and take a deep breath of each new day? And what does one do with themselves …when they wasted time not saying I love you to those we hold dearest…and their sand has run out? How do we reconcile that within ourselves? Those faithful will freely say, God is around us…like Angels…and spirits of those who have passed on; so it can be said that we can always say those things. But wouldn’t life have been so much simpler had we just said what was on our heart…and ignored all the negativity that kept us closed off? Wouldn’t it be reassuring to know that we didn’t waste a moment in anger…and told the people we love…how important they are and would always be to us? What if your one kind statement would have eased the pain of another person? Wouldn’t then it have been worth biting our tongues?
 Can’t we see that love and peace can be passed on like an electrical current? Silently we can create a wave of love, understanding, respect, and joy that will result in inner peace. It only takes a minute to pick up a phone, or write a letter…these gestures can be monumental in re-establishing lines of communication with other beings…who, like us, just want to be loved. Can we afford to be nonchalant with our time? If we spent more time being focused on our true task, at hand, there would never be any room for regret.
 There are so many places that could use our time…and by doing so we could embrace each other, as Our Creator had intended. And for those who think they don’t know what they could do, it’s usually no further than your city. How many times have you sat around your home with “nothing to do”? Do you know how many volunteers it takes to run a soup kitchen? Or how many volunteers it would take to help with a shelter for battered and abused women and children? Have you ever taken the time to just listen to an elderly person while they sit on a park bench? Why do we not realize that in order to get to be elderly…we had to do something right? The elderly may have knowledge that can not be obtained in your public library. And it only takes a moment of your “time” to reap the rewards, of someone else’s history.
 We do not have a moment to waste…time waits for no one. Remember that the only thing worse than your sand running out without you finishing your job, while on Earth…is to let some one else’s sand run out before you allow them to touch your troubled heart.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My World

My World
  Today I want to extend an invitation to you…it is an all day pass to visit “My World”. Don’t worry everything that you will be needing in this 24 hour period will be provided for you. The only stipulation is that you have to leave behind all of your pre-conceived notions of what you think life is really about.
  The first thing that you will notice in my world is that everything is natural…the food tastes better…the air smells more clear…and your mind and body will begin to feel lighter. Do not be alarmed by these changes…these are just adjustments that you will feel when only the love and peace of our creator is free flowing around us. You will notice that the only sounds that you will hear are the birds singing and crickets chirping in the distance.
  When you walk with me we will watch as children are playing together…laughing and running. They aren’t calling each other insulting names or bullying each other…because in my world parents do not speak harshly of one another…so the children remain innocent.
  In my world when the television is turned on there is no bad or destructive news. There are no people protesting or rioting…because my world never got into the shape that your world did. In my world all people are treated fairly…regardless of what they look like, sound like, and no matter how or if the pray.
  In my world we will all sit together at one huge table. We will join hands and give thanks that we woke up today…and we were able to once again join hands…like the large family that we are. You will find skin tones of every hue and our hairstyles and textures will be varied. We will wear different types of clothing…all of which is acceptable…and peaceful. We will dine on foods from every corner of this beautiful earth…and everyday will try to eat something that we had never tried before. We will discuss our day and our plans for the future. We will laugh and sing and talk about our history.
  When we get done eating we will sit around a huge fire pit and talk to our children and listen to the elders tell stories of times past. Our children will ask us about a time when our world wasn’t such a beautiful place. They will ask if it was true that people were killed and maimed because of where they were from…or because of the color of their skin. The children will ask if there really was a time that we chased people out of nations because of their religious practices and beliefs.
  We will all get very quiet, so much so that the crackling of the fire would be the only sound you could hear. Then a soft older voice would say…”sadly, yes…that is so”. The elder would go on to tell the children of a time when we killed those that we could not communicate with…out of fear. He would go on to say that we chose to not only avoid…but banish entire groups of people…to places where they had very little hope of survival. A silent tear would roll down his cheek as he went on to say that we used war as a means of taking care of a problem…killing innocent men, women and children.
  Another elder man began where the other left off stating that when man was unsatisfied with destroying each other…he began destroying the earth. He said that man would dump trash and oil in our many oceans…where our creator placed aquatic beings…until they had a hard time surviving. Man did not even stop when huge whales would beach themselves onto the shores trying to get away from the trash in their homes…the oceans. And when this was not enough he took large ships and dumped oil into our waters…making complete cleanup virtually impossible. Man cut down our mighty forests…leaving animals and living organisms no where to live. He built sky scrapers and interstates…he tore down natural bridges and rock formations. He killed not only his own kind but the mighty animals that had roamed the earth for hundreds of years before him.
  He committed hate crimes…and hid himself behind a mask…sheet…or badge. People no longer felt safe…children cried. There was no place that any one or anything could hide. Man made excuses for wars…yet cried when they too, were attacked; never learning that any animal will turn on you when cornered.
  When asked the old man said, “Yes, the fighting finally stopped”. The fighting stopped when entire nations were destroyed…and bodies of the citizens were lying all around…in their homes…fields…streams. But the victors of this destruction…never found peace…for our creator was angered and as those people destroyed HIS earth and loved creatures…so HE destroyed them.
  One boy laughed…lightening the mood. “Wow, I’m glad it isn’t like that here”. And we all agreed in unison. What is this place anyway? This world is called Heaven.
  And I brought you here today to show you that you still have time to fix what you have broken. It is not too late for you to make amends. You get to go back to your world and make a difference. You can start loving each other right now. You can mend fences and tear down borders anytime you choose. You can decide to be proactive in your life and the lives of those around you. You can stand up…and after you do…others will stand up also. You can create peace starting in your own home…and then in your neighborhood. If everyone did that then there would never be a need for the tragic ending that will inevitably happen…given our current course.
  Understand that loving is our natural course…we decide to destroy. We decide to hate. Now you must decide…where do you stand?

Friday, November 11, 2011

May I Be Excused?

May I Be Excused?

In life, sometimes things just happen...things come together and occasionally they will fall apart. We can not really say how long things will last, and since everything has its purpose under the heavens, the blessing is in the experience.
  Relationships will come and go, marriages can fall apart. It is a sad reality for most of our population. I suppose there are countless reasons why marriages don’t seem to last as long as they did when my grandparents were brought together. I feel certain that the public acceptance of divorce just made the separation a little easier, for some. I am of the belief that when people initially get married it is with the hope that it will last much longer than it usually does.
  While separation can be a sad decision for the adults involved, my concern is not for them. As adults we have the ability to move ahead; we can go forward and deal with whatever life throws our way. My true concern lies with the children, whom have never had to deal with the stigma of a broken home.
  Honestly, I never cared for the term “broken home”. What would make a home broken? Truthfully, two parents can live apart and still actively participate in their children’s lives, effectively. So I don’t believe that term is accurate in that situation. But when the family is actually torn apart, when there is REALLY an absent parent...physically and emotionally, real damage occurs. Broken homes are created by abandonment, neglect, isolation; we break promises and because of that...we break hearts.
  In actuality, the home isn’t broken...just our children’s hopes and dreams. I’m not suggesting that parents stay together for the sake of the child, that doesn’t always create the best atmosphere for the kids either. But I am saying that the “out of sight out of mind” adage can be a sad truth.
  Children are precious, true proof that God exists. When we are blessed with the love of a child, there is nothing that will ever compare to it. I have often heard divorced parents say that they love their child, unfortunately, in more cases than is followed by a “but”. I have heard every excuse imaginable...I have to find myself...I need to get my life straight...I even heard someone say that their child is better off without them.
  But in my opinion, none of those excuses even matter. While we are getting ourselves together, our children our growing; they are experiencing their “firsts”. While we are finding ourselves, our children are learning who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Our children are crawling, walking, and running. Our children are learning how to drink and eat all by themselves. They are going to school for the very first time, they are losing their first tooth. They are playing sports, making friends and making drawings to post on the refrigerator. They are starting high school, dating, going to their prom, and graduating. But more importantly, while we are thinking that our children are better off without us...what our children hear is that our lives are better without them. Children, in this situation don’t think that we divorced their mother or father...they think we divorced them. Children will blame themselves, for anything and everything.
  Before we know it, our kids are grown. And when our grown children come to us and ask why we didn’t love them enough to call or visit...what will we say? What do we say when our grown children demand answers that a joke or toy won’t answer? What do we do when our, once smiling sweet children, become angry and bitter adults? Who do we blame then?
  What do we say when we pray? What do we pray for when we failed to appreciate the gift that our Creator gave us, when we were made parents? What excuse can we give to the one that knows our excuses are just excuses?
  I pray it isn’t too late for you...once we lose time it can’t be bartered back. We can not purchase love. We can not go back in time. Smiles create memories...and memories make life worth living. Handmade birthday cards and macaroni necklaces mean more than any soul searching mission ever would.
  You need only remember this, the most important position that you will ever have is parenthood; and the pay is more rewarding than diamonds or pearls...because children pay you in butterfly kisses. See that smile? It’s the start of another memory...make a few more.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before the Storm

  I have wondered why there is calm before a storm. Obviously it isn’t necessary, from a weather stand point. The sky hardly needs to pause before gusting blustery winds upon us. Yet there are moments of stillness, just before it feels like the Heavens open up and brings forth wind and rain. Is the calm provided to us, giving the world a chance to prepare? And if so, what are we preparing for; more importantly, are we prepared?
  Is there a reason why the night seems “still”? Do we pay attention to the stillness, or do we just take it as a cue for us to rest? It there a deeper meaning behind why we may actually need the stillness or calm of the day or night?
  Have you ever had a heated argument with another person? Did you notice that for a moment...there is silence? Why is the silence there, at that particular moment? One minute the two of you have limitless antagonistic words to say to each other...then there is a pause. Why? How were you feeling during the angry exchange of insults? How did you feel in that moment of silence? What were you thinking?
  Why do we laugh when we hear people say that while they were in prison or jail, they found God? We may find it humorous to think that a person can only find their Creator when he is taken away from his element. Is there ever a bad time to know our Creator? Perhaps, for some, prison or jail is the calm before the storm. Perhaps what happens at that moment will make the difference in that person’s life...and everyone he/she touches. Is it still funny?
  Why do we place children in “time out” or give them “quiet time”? What do we expect of a child during that time, other than quiet? I realize, when I make a correlation between an adults behavior and a child’s, it seems overly simplistic to some.
  But we, as adults, are teaching life lessons to children every day. These lessons are helpful to them as adults, as long as the message is not lost. So my question is posed, what lesson are we teaching a child when we give them time away from other children? What is the purpose of a “time-out”?
  I am of the opinion that silence...calmness...isolation are methods that our Creator uses to speak to us, internally. Most of the time, especially during the day...there are a million things going on, usually all at one time. We are waking up, taking showers, getting the kids dressed. We are preparing our day, going to work, thinking about what I need to get accomplished at work to get home on time. We are deciding what to cook for lunch and then dinner. We are deciding what clothes to wear, trying to get everyone motivated and moving so that our work is done in a timely manner. Sometimes I wonder if that is what God is doing, more on that later.
  Nothing is an accident. Everything has its time and place. If there is calm or stillness whether in the air or within is intentional. The only question at this point should be...why?
  Why do I need things to be still? Why is there calmness before a storm? What am I supposed to be doing that I am failing to do? Are we moving too fast? Am I thinking about what to say, before I say it? Am I using my words like a weapon? Is my intention to hurt someone with my sharp tones and comments?
  When we have moments of quiet during a heated I listening to my inner voice? Did I learn the lesson that I was being taught as a young child? Why do we use “time outs”, as a punishment for children? For one thing, it is not a is a lesson. We are teaching our children to think, before they act. We are showing them how to step away from a potentially hostile situation and come back with a fresh perspective. This is why this method of parenting can be useful. We are teaching our children how to think. We are teaching these tender souls how to listen to their hearts.
  Children are not little adults, but they will grow up to be responsible adults. We are teaching them how to take a moment to regroup. This is what God wants for us.
 And I can say He wants this for us, because of the calm before the storm. The calmness is what I call reflection. It is when that inner voice is telling you about your behavior. It is reminding you that speaking in anger will only create more anger and hostility. We are not thinking about our actions. Where did I hear someone tell me to think about my actions? Oh, on my Grandmothers couch...during “time out”.
  How can I be so confident about all of this? It’s simple. While we are laughing about the inmate who is claiming to have found God while incarcerated...God is embracing him. While we are making fun of someone who has to go to jail to be touched by God...God is showing him his true path. While we are throwing away and giving up on individuals that are incarcerated...God is waiting for them. Why does God wait on someone that we are willing to cast away as a waste of space? Simply put...God doesn’t give up on anyone. Our Creator loves us so much that he incorporates moments of stillness and quiet in our lives. He knows that those are opportunities for us, as human beings, to submit our will to Him.
  God loves us, as we love those children that are in “time out”. We are precious to Him. And even if we don’t get the lesson of the stillness...He will still create other moments of calmness. God loves us so much that He will lead us inside of a remove all outside influences. And if you don’t know first hand, let me inform you of this; when a person is incarcerated...they will feel like they have lost everything.
  God is all around us, His is the voice of reason and love in our ears. His voice is the one telling you not to argue, fight, hurt or war with anyone. His is the voice that we fight against. So, sometimes we feel broken down...but when it is God that is building us up it doesn’t matter if you are in a jailhouse or the White House. God is guiding us toward Him...He is making us whole...He is making us one.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Building Bridges

Building Bridges

  There are people that will come in and out of our lives...and while we may notice there absence, it is my hope that we will not miss the lesson in the experience. We are often saddened by the loss, whether it is through death or people just moving forward. It is my hope that with this we can eventually rally around what they contributed to our it something profound...or something as simple as teaching us to laugh at the things that don’t kill us.
  Laughing at adversity allows us to own whatever the stimulus might makes us pro-active instead of reactive. Most people consider reactions to mean we were caught off guard...where as being pro-active infers that we were always ready for anything that may come our way. It gives us strength in the eyes of others...and re-instills the ideas that we are blessed and highly favored. Who doesn’t feel more secure with the knowledge that we are not alone?
  Life can definitely send some jabs and upper cuts our way...but the question is simple...are we so busy trying to patch up the injury that we no longer are looking for the next blow? Did we learn the lesson? There are those people who just sit and wait for the opportunity to present itself...and the opportunity usually tends to be isolation.
  You may say that you aren’t isolated...but let’s re-examine that thought. You may be physically surrounded with numerous have more contacts in your cell phone than most people get holiday cards from...but are you free of isolation? It’s is ironic that these people are called contacts...yet very few actually touch us.
  What is isolation? Generally speaking, isolation occurs when a person sets themselves apart or cuts themselves off from others. You might still think that you don’t do this...but do you? How many people on your contact list...are you truly touched by; keeping in mind that “contact” generally means the state or condition of touching?
  Do you isolate yourself from what happens around you? Do you turn off the news or ignore news articles about things that you find disturbing or negative? Many people do. It can be emotionally taxing to watch how others suffer everyday...perhaps looking the other way will allow us to go on with our day, at least. Who really wants to read or watch stories about homelessness, or crime? Who wants to hear day in and day out about the famine in Horn of Africa...and who can bear to see those poor children dying? We have our own problems...and I do not think for one moment that people who think this way are callous or uncaring. They are human. But they are humans who have chosen to isolate themselves.
  Why do you think that so many people rallied around the recently executed Troy Davis? After all, he was found guilty of killing Mark MacPhail...why did he deserve any support? My best guess is this; Troy Davis...showed us that people are not expendable. I don’t think that anyone was supporting a murderer...they were supporting a human being. People gathered together by the unite for a common love their fellow man. Troy Anthony Davis woke people up. He made us look at our justice system with if we had been walking around in a daze for centuries. Even if for just that moment...we didn’t want to isolate people. We actually wanted contact. We wanted people to know us...and us them.
  From this...conversations started...not just angry debates...but calm intellectual conversations. We started talking about everything! We wanted to know more. If you had a situation that was causing your frustration...I wanted to know about it. Your life began to matter to me. Even if for just one moment...we started remembering that we are supposed to love each other. Inadvertently, we began to “Occupy our Hearts”. The ice around our veins began to slowly melt. It was beautiful.
  Troy Davis reminded us that true justice will only occur when balancement exists. When the scales are does not solve anything. He reminded us that only when we live in a society where we are not prejudged for some physical, financial, or religious difference will true justice happen.
  Ultimately, if we were to try and say that these biases do not exist...we are only further proving the fact that we are living in isolation.
  When this world was was populated with living organisms that were molded to our Creator’s liking. We were chosen to live here...and we were chosen because we are all compatible. We can all live here harmoniously...if we so choose. Our problem has never been that we are not being able to love each other; the only problem is our own pre-conceived notions that we are better than another being. We are highly evolved creatures...we have learned how to communicate...we have invented machines to make life simpler. We have sent man and woman into space. We have raised children who would become future diplomats and literal geniuses. Yet we are the only living organisms that refuse to live together...without trying to destroy each other. There are millions of species of animals...that get along better than we do. And we will be the ONLY group of living organisms...who place themselves on the endangered species list. We would rather kill each other off into distinction than to learn how to live harmoniously.
  This is not the end of our story...but if we don’t make very well could be. Love life...make changes...say hello to someone you have never met. Hold a door open for a complete stranger...get to know your neighbors. Embrace your might learn something that will enhance your life. You may touch another person by just smiling at them. Encourage the conversation; offer each other loving solutions to a world full of problems. Take the initiative; it is what God has been waiting for all along. If we spend more time building bridges...we can spend less time building prisons.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Long and Winding Road

The Long and Winding Road

  Growing up I often heard the expression...not to choose is to choose. The meaning of which became much more clear as I aged and matured.
  How often had I heard some one say that they were angered or frustrated with a situation and yet did nothing? Often we decide to sit the fence about to speak. We may feel a certain way about something, yet we take no stand. It is unfortunate that we don’t understand...when we fail to take a stand...we already did.
  We may say that we are against slavery...yet if we do nothing to stop the enslavement...we are silently approving the action. True, it may not be easy to stand up against those who are seemingly in the majority...but what are we REALLY saying taking no stand?
  We are is okay. We are lending our support to those that we may very well be opposed to. We may say that we do not support the destruction of our planet...but unless we are willing to stand up for the world around us...our well wishes...will always fall upon deaf ears.
  It takes bravery to speak openly against those that oppress us...and often those people are targeted as troublemakers. I almost laugh at those statements...because I personally know one of those troublemakers. I have watched and heard her young heart standing up for what she believes is right or wrong in this life. I have seen people try to muffle her cries for justice...with laughter or jokes, hoping to discourage her candor. But I promise you that this angel is only fueled by any opposition. She is never deterred by society’s criticisms...she keeps her head held high and marches on. She is strong and vigilant...she will stand up even when she feels she is under attack. She always makes her position known...regardless of the viewpoint or perception of others. I have seen her defend the life of a tree more passionately than I have seen men or women defend their fellow man.
  In mid conversation, she will say that it is wrong for the state to kill prove that killing is wrong. The act in itself emphasizes the “do as I say and not as I do” idea. Even before Troy Davis, the Georgia man who was executed Sept 21, 2011...for the death of an off duty police officer; as a fifteen year old daughter was debating the death penalty with educators. Did she have some information that we didn’t? No, she simply didn’t need anyone to tell her that killing is wrong. She didn’t seek or desire direction on this matter...she just always knew that loving our fellow man was our primary objective. To put it in her own can our parents teach us that we are not supposed to fight...and that turning the other cheek is what God wants from us. Yet...we send our nation to war. It may seem like an over simplification to some...but again, in her words...wrong is matter how many words you dress it up with.
  This young woman is one of my personal heroes. She has won no awards...there have been no stories written about her...outside of my own efforts. She has no National Holiday...but she sings her song of justice anyone who will listen. She hasn’t prevented a war...she hasn’t stopped famine or the ongoing problems that we have created for ourselves. But everyday she will tell people openly that the man in the mirror is the change needed. For our reflection is who we are...not who we may think we are. We have a voice...we choose when and where to use it.
  As a society, we have chosen to be led. Growing up; we are told how to behave. Where to sit or stand...who to be nice to...what to wear; the problem is that we are now conditioned. We are conditioned to believe that we need permission to do what we already know is right. It is this conditioning that causes us to allow the destructive actions and decisions of others. No one is dictating to us what we should be we do nothing. As if we need permission to carry out the work of God.
  What I am saying is that the truths we were taught as children...theses still are true today. The fact is that the TRUTH....always will be TRUE. It is the one constant in our lives. Life can be like a long and winding road...seemingly endless; but the path is the one we have always known.
  We were created to love one another...and with love, comes peace. There can be no negative in that...for the basis of love and peace...comes from our Creator.
  Taking a stand can be hard...but masking who we really are in our a crime against our nature. Stand up for those that have no the voice of reason and our fore fathers before us. Be what we teach our children to be...every day. Lead by by the humanity we seek in others.