Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

    January always seems to be a time and occasion for new beginnings. It marks the beginning of a new year, and we are hopeful that this year will be better than the last. I, too, have that hope. I hope this year isn’t filled with as much loss and sadness as last year was; not only for me but for all those that the light touches.
  But no matter how I try and divide it, had it not been for the wonderful people in my life this past year...I may not have survived the sadness and loss. All of this goes back to my concept of life...everything has its season...and God brings all things into the light. I may have had moments when I was sad or even cried, but they were downplayed by the many minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months I had filled with smiles and laughter.
  While I can not deny the pain that I felt, I also could not hide the joy that our Creator bestowed upon me, as well. I learned that the best way to work through my sadness was to write. I not only wrote about what made me unhappy in my own personal life...but what made me sad with the world that we all live in. And although I am only one person, I was hopeful that if only one person read what I wrote...maybe they would tell someone else about it. We have a possibility to link to one another like a chain...and we could spread compassion instead of hate. It is a way of becoming one with our creator. And since we all have the attributes of God, similar to the way we have characteristics of our birth parents; we can choose to give love and become love.
  The sadness I had felt periodically through out the year was very real; and while focusing on other things did not make the emotions go did help steady me. I could concentrate on what was making someone else sad or concerned. I could lend my shoulder or ear to my fellow man/woman...hoping to show them that they are a significant part of my life; furthering the idea that we are all one.
  My heart broke for the children dying in the Horn of Africa; and whilst I could not feed them...I could bring them into my writing. I could pray for them and those who were in a position to help them. I could sign an online petition and write about the drought and the deaths occurring as a result of that drought. I could link my writing back to an informative video, petition or information if nothing else, I helped create awareness. This gave me hope, because finally I felt like I was not only a drop of water in a bucket...but the beginning of a downpour. If I could take a small step, perhaps someone else would, as well. In January of last year there were people who had no idea what was going on in the Horn of Africa, and some didn’t even know where it was. However, by December, we could no longer claim ignorance. Yes, we could still choose to do nothing. We could sit around on our hands or point fingers at others...but we could no longer say, “I just didn’t know”. The actions we take from this point on would be an informed action...even if the only action we took...was to do nothing.
  Also in this past year, we came face to face with the death penalty. And although our feelings and thoughts on it were clearly divided...we allowed ourselves to have the conversation. This is also another sore spot in my heart, as I feel without a doubt that ALL life is precious. Even though we may not agree about the issue, this year, via the Troy Anthony Davis execution, we were all able to voice our opinions. Again this is a sad situation, but we should at least rejoice in the fact that we got the opportunity to have the conversation. And I do pray in the coming year and many more to come that the rest of the country will join the 15 states that have taken away the death penalty. Hopefully we will see that punishment should be just that and not retaliation...murder is murder.
  In 2011, we became painfully aware of our children and the issues that bullying has on them. We learned that it is no longer that kid on the corner waiting to steal lunch money. Bullying has gotten much more perverse, violent even fatal. As parents we need to be proactive before we must become reactive. Our children are dying, not only at the hands of other children...but at their own hands. The number of teenage suicides is on the rise and this is largely due to other teenagers. We must watch our children. Be aware of the social networking that they participate in...Bullying does not just happen in the classroom, but online and via text messages. Being a teenager is difficult, and being a parent just became more difficult. Watch your they find humor at the expense of other children? Watch for the signs of bullying...or even worse....complacency. If your child does not speak up for the child that is being harassed...they are contributing to the abuse of that child. Create a dialogue with your children...their lives have just gotten dangerous. When you are aware that your child is not “NICE”...and you don’t speak to is similar to letting them walk out of your home to go school with a gun in their back pack.
  2012 is a year of hope; a year of reflection. We can be the change we are always looking for by using the experience of 2011. I pray that you use the love of our creator in all that you say and do.

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